
Personal Development in our Curriculum

Please see our detailed Personal Development Curriculum document by clicking the link to the Personal Development Curriculum PDF.
Our Curriculum:

  • Has our values at its core.
  • Recognises and builds on children’s prior learning.
  • Focuses on the development of character and social skills.
  • Develops creative and questioning learners.
  • Provides pupils with opportunities to develop self-esteem, motivation, and
  • aspirations.

Character Development

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to develop their understanding of:

Character - Explore their own character virtues and develop positive personal strength.

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
• learn how to respect themselves and others
• recognise that people are good at different things
• recognise the character strengths in others and support their development

We also develop the following through our curriculum delivery:
Social - Use a range of social skills to participate in the local community and beyond; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer, and cooperate; resolve conflict
Moral - Recognise right and wrong and respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned views
Cultural - Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in cultural opportunities; understand, accept, respect, and celebrate diversity
Spiritual - Explore beliefs, experiences, and faiths, feelings, and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others, and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences.

Tolerance and respect - To respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others
Individual liberty - Be free to express views or ideas
Rule of law - Learn that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable for their actions and behaviour
Democracy - Be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part


We will enrich our curriculum by:
• welcoming parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences
• developing partnerships with external providers that extend children’s opportunities for learning
• providing on and off-site subject or topic related activities
• offering opportunities for children to learn outdoors
• using quality resources in and out of the classroom
• holding specialist curriculum days or weeks.

Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is encouraged to support our pupils to develop a positive attitude to their learning through ownership, inspiring questioning, provoking conversation, and thus developing enquiring minds.

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
• express their opinions on a range of different topics and issues
• make a positive contribution to the school and local community
• contribute to planning their own learning
• explore ways of becoming an active citizen
• make choices about things that are important to them
• take part in democratic activities across the curriculum.


Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
• reflect and think mindfully about their learning
• develop self-esteem and confidence in their abilities
• learn in a peaceful and supportive environment
• build respectful friendships.