
The School Day

Compulsory Hours
Our core school day runs from 8.45am to 3.15pm. This means that in line with the Government guidance brought in in September 2023 we provide a core 32.5 hours per week.
Our gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.45am. Registration is at 8.45am, children should be in class by 8.45am, not just arriving on site. If children arrive late they will be marked late. Please see our Attendance policy for further information on registration times.
Our morning break is 10.30-10.45 and lunchtime runs from 12 noon to 1pm.
Wraparound Care
We are lucky enough to have wraparound care provision in the form of Breakfast and Afterschool club. These are chargeable as follows:
Breakfast Club 8.00am-8.30am £3.50 per child. Children will have several options for breakfast including cereal and toast. Food is not served after 8.20 to allow for prompt clearing away and registration.
Afterschool club 3.15-5pm £7.00 per child, 50% reduction for siblings. Snacks, drinks and entertainment provided.
Children in receipt of Pupil Premium pay a reduced rate.